Which one first?

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Posted at
Wait... People do both? Like you take a bath then after get in the shower? What?? I'm a shower only kinda girl.


BB • Jan 23, 2019
I do this after a bath but also wash my hair with the shower lol


Chanel • Jan 23, 2019
Gotta rinse off the glitter from the bath bomb lol


Na • Jan 23, 2019
I rinse off in the shower afterwards if a take a bath, but it’s for less than a minute


Posted at
Why would you do both? I don’t get it


Kat • Jan 23, 2019
Because taking a bath is just bathing in your dirt and stuff so you rinse all the nasty off afterwards


Ne • Jan 23, 2019
Actually if you use bath bombs or a really foamy shower I can see having the need to wash it off in the shower


Posted at
I shower first and then if I want to relax, take a bath. At least that way I’m not floating in my own dirt. Lol


Posted at
I've never done both. If I bathe, that's all I do. There wouldn't be enough hot water if I wanted to rinse off after anyway. 😂


Posted at
Bath then quick rinse in shower


Posted at
Typically I just shower, but if I do both, I bathe first. It’s easier to shave the bottom part of my legs in the bath, or I do a scrub on my feet in there. Or I let my pre-wash conditioner set while I’m in the bath.


Posted at
Shower first, of course. In Japan, this is very standard. To shower, then soak in bath. No bombs or soap. Then you can shower again after you loosen some dead skin and dirt. Then another soak. It’s pretty ritualistic and soothing. I have never felt so clean and fresh. My skin looked amazing the entire time I did this.


Posted at
I don’t take baths just showers but if I do for some reason take a bath I have to shower afterwards. I feel like I was just sitting in dirty water so I have to wash off.