I want a baby so bad!

Had a miscarriage in May... Been trying again ever since... Just got my period (again) today and could not stop crying! I don't know what I need to do different to get pregnant... Our first month of trying we got prego, then had a miscarriage, and now it seems to be so difficult! Are there tips to get prego???? I will try anything!! It's so much more frustrating seeing as I have 3 cousins, 2 friends and 1 sister who are all prego and all got prego "by accident"! Wtf! Please any help or prayers or baby dust would be appreciated!!!!!!
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Stop stressing... If u stress to much it's harder to get pregnant... Why do u think they all got pregnant by accident... They were enjoying the sex and were not soooo stressed... I know is hard... I've been trying for 9 months now... And nothing... And I have 3 kids and I never had any trouble getting pregnant.. It always happened the first or second month of TTC ... Hang in there sweetie 


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Sending lots of baby dust ur way and many prayers.. 


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My bf and I Been trying for 2 1/2 yrs no luck, i ended up getting pregnant but then i miscarried Dec 6. I was 9weeks 1day i had a few days until my first ultrasound and never got to see my baby. My due date was july 11th of this yr and i been trying since my miscarriage. My advice once you stop trying it'll happen. I gave up trying and i ended up prego, you should try preseed i heard plenty of good things im currently trying it but it acts like a natural lubricant that does not harm the sperm but helps it travel faster. Take prenatals with folic acid because it will prepare your body. I think nature made actually has a before baby pill or gummies. So do either of those!


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For what it's worth, I was trying to get pregnant for 7 months. I finally broke down and bought Preseed. One month of using it and BAM I was prego. I know I sound like am infomercial right now or something, but I swear it's a miracle product.I'm very sorry for your loss. Baby dust to you!


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sometimes after having a miscarriage it takes your body some time to adjust to not being pregnant anymore. takes it some some to reset. it'll happen for you💜 sending lots of baby dust your way!!!


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Hubby and I also fell pregnant 1st try in February and had miscarriage 2nd May, also nothing yet for us and I know the feeling of AF every month, can be very discouraging, but we need to be positive, and what's keeping me positive is knowing the fact that I can fall pregnant! Lots of baby dust ur way and my way!!! 😘