Mental struggle with a healthy lifestyle


So, I used to work out when I was with my ex. I worked out because he used to call me fat etc and criticised me. Obvs that’s why he’s an ex. 5 days a week everyday after school.

I’m with my man now, and he is amazing. Always makes me feel beautiful and sexy. Since being with him and starting university though, I’ve gained probably 10-15kgs and stopped working out.

I’m not happy with my body, even though he thinks I’m sexy I’m still not happy. I want to change it and be healthy and happy for myself. Not anyone else.

I know it’s going to take changing my lifestyle. Cause I don’t want to go on a diet I want to change my lifestyle. And I know it’s going to take eating the right foods and exercising consistently also. I mean, I’m a student Dietitian, I know all this. My biggest problem is that I have the knowledge but i don’t make it an action...

I’m struggling with the mental block of it. I don’t know why, at all, but i just can’t defeat my own thoughts? Like I think about going for a walk and then my mind tells me “nah it’ll be dark soon, or nah it’s too hot right now outside”. The thoughts that tell me no frustrate me soo much and the fact that I listen to them makes me frustrated even more. I feel like I’m purposely self sabotaging or subconsciously making excuses because I don’t think I’m worthy enough to be healthy and strong.

Seriously, I don’t know what’s wrong with my head. I need relief, I want my thoughts to be positive and encouraging ones. I want to learn to be disciplined.

To all the ladies that have incredible weight transformations (including muscle gain)on here, how did you do it? How did you defeat that voice in your head that said you just aren’t good enough?