Poor semen analysis, on letrozole. 😔 support and advice needed please


This was my husband’s semen analysis report.. 5.9 million and 2% morphology...and oligoterratozoospermia? the doctor said it isnt good and we may have to do

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

but he wants to test and analyze his semen again in a month ...We are confused as we have conceived twice already, first a miscarriage and our second successfully is now two years old. Dr said the shape of the semen could be affected by environmental factors? But he does not work at a job with hazardous anything. As for the concentration its odd last month when we did an

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

my husband had about 10 million

at his semen wash.. and this month only 5.9? What could cause a rapid drop like that?

Please share any advice or thoughts.. trying to conceive again after being unsuccessful 8 months.. just worried and confused. Sadly my ultrasound today showed three large growing follicles and lots of small ones (did a round of letrozole), but the dr said even if my eggs and ovulation were great they may not get fertilized? Suffering from anxiety over this... getting an HSG test done tomorrow to cross of everything on the list but the dr doesnt think I have any issues after all he has seen thus far..