Baby A is head down and baby B is breech.


I know this question gets asked a lot, but I am hoping to find an answer to give me some peace in my decision making. I am 31 weeks with di/di twin girls . Had an ultrasound today, baby A is head Down and baby b is still breech. My Dr said she is comfortable having me deliver vaginally and when baby A comes out baby b will

likely turn and follow (however baby B is measuring a little bigger than A) or we could go ahead and have the c-section to get them both out quickly. Ultimately I just want to choose the safest thing for me and my babies. Still praying baby B could turn but Dr said she is very high up and very breech, which makes me think she is comfy where she’s at. What have all of you twin mamas done with your deliveries. Hope to hear your stories. Thanks in advance!