BV and TTC

Samantha • Married to my best friend 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Two babies heaven 👼🏻 Trying for another baby Miller 💕

Hello ladies! I’m hoping I can get some insight on this because it makes me so frustrated! I got BV for the first time in 2016. I went to the doctor and took my flagyl and six months later it was back. This happened a few more times. November of 2017 I found out I was pregnant and also BV had returned. This time I talked to the doctor that told me I was pregnant and she gave me flagyl, probiotics, and boric acid suppositories and said this should take care of it. So I took them all and it went away. I had a miscarriage in December (ectopic) and BV stayed away for a year. I thought I had finally kicked it for good but this month we were finally ready to TTC again after over a year and the first time we inseminated at home, I did what I always do, (put the semen in a diva cup and leave the diva cup in over night) and the next day my BV returned. We inseminated one more time the day before I ovulated and ever since then the BV has gotten pretty bad. I know that Bv causes problems in pregnancy but does anyone know if using boric acid suppositories this early (2DPO) if it will hurt my chances. Please feel free to share your experience with BV and if you have any advice for me.