Career Advice

Elaine • 📷 Theatrical/Lifestyle Photographer ❤️of Family, Friends, Good Books, ☕️ & Penguins 🐧 🏒🥅 Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle Supporter 💪🏻#anytimefitness 🤰🏼1st Baby Due 2/28/2020

Hi Ladies (and possible gents) of Glow:

I am in need of some positive career thoughts & can’t take to Facebook or Instagram without having to explain myself to current coworkers.

I recently applied for a new job & I could use any and all positive vibes that are out there to hopefully be selected for an interview. I have been with my current employer for almost 5 years now, but am starting to get burned out. My hours (and stress level) are starting to impact my health (and while we have not been TTC for long, I don’t think the amount of stress I face daily is helping anything) & I feel terrible ranting/venting to my husband (as understanding & patient as he is, it isn’t fair.) So, back out into the job market I go (Ideally I would love to just leave, but we can’t afford to have me not working, or working for less.)

If you can spare a good thought, it is much appreciated! Thank you 😊