Membrane sweep & stretch at 11:10.


I had my membranes swept & stretched today. When I was in the hospital last Thursday I was 3cm and 70% effaced. Today my doctor said I’m still about a 2.5-3. (I guess it all depends on who is checking you?) She was able to stretch me fully to a 3. I’ve been cleaning and up and moving since, and now I’m noticing some cramping and low back pain. I know cramping is normal, but holy crap I hope this does the trick.

Fingers crossed for me ladies, please. 🤞🏼

Anyone have any successful sweep stories?

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With my last pregnancy I had a membrane sweep when I was 3 cm dilated at 39 weeks and I went into labor that night. I had my daughter the next day.


Lauren • Jan 23, 2019
Thanks girl!


Hannah • Jan 23, 2019
Good luck!


Lauren • Jan 23, 2019
Ahhhh I’m hoping this is the case for me! I know I’ve had my bloody show already. There is no denying it was my show for sure. Not just spotting. So I’m hoping something happens. If not I’ll be so disappointed lol


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