One day.. πŸ’™πŸ’œ

MeLissa β€’ Army wife 12/13/14. Not trying, not preventing. Waiting until after college to continue trying for our first!! Just living life to the fullest! πŸ˜πŸ‘—πŸŒ‡
I can't wait to look down to see my baby belly. To watch it grow, as I watch you grow. I can't wait to see the stretch marks all over my tummy and know that it was once your home. It was the place where you slept, you hiccuped, where I felt your kicks, the first place you smiled, and the place where you solely relied on me. I can't wait to be in love with such a tiny human being that I haven't even met yet. I can't wait to feel all the aches and pains you gave me but happily know that it's because you're growing. I can't wait to be pregnant. I can't wait to be a mommy to the most perfect being ever. πŸ’œβ€ you're not with me yet, but I love you already!