When you first started dating your SO, how attracted were you to him?

I Just started dating this guy because he’s just perfect for me i think.. and I’m not shallow but i don’t feel THAT attracted. Will this physical attraction for him grow? When I’m laying with him he has the best smile and dimple and some of the best deep brown eyes I’ve ever seen in my life but he wasn’t initially really my type and i don’t know what to do. He is the first very nice gentleman like guy I’ve talked to, because the other guys i messed with were all assholes who didn’t really care. This guy is so sweet. Maybe im just young? Im 19 and he’s 23 but idk i don’t feel that 100% pull towards him. He’s not ugly at all but hes never the type of guy id usually go for (physically and mentally) although i can find him sexy asf Does anyone have advice or has anyone been in a similar situation?

And dont get me wrong he is in no way ugly, just not my usual type.. idk how to explain 🤦‍♀️

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