He’s finally here! After a week and a half of early labor...

His labor/delivery was an adventure all on his own. I was induced at 39weeks exactly. Labored on pitocin all day but contractions weren’t really progressing after a certain point and being upped to like 20 or more already. So from 6:15am to 3:45pm I made no progress, no dilation advance. Just still 4cm all day. Dr broke my water at 3:45 and things picked up fast. 1hr went by I was 5, another 30min I was 6. Another 30, I was 7. After 1.5hrs of my water breaking my contractions were starting to be very intense but baby was sunny side up and getting stuck so although I was dilating fast, my cervix wasn’t shortening because he couldn’t come down. My bladder filled and I couldn’t empty because my contractions were so bad every time one hit I’d tense a little which I had no break between. So my bladder was also starting to block my cervix a little. His heart rate started dropping and the nurse struggled 45min to try to get me in a spot to help. At this point, I’m in so much pain I’m starting to rethink doing it naturally. But the nurse and my cousin won’t let me give in. The nurse said “you’re in transition labor, this is the hardest part.” 15min went by and I said I felt pressure. I was 9.5cm on the outside but only 8 inside and my cervix was still a little long. My dr asked did I need to push, I said yes. She said okay go ahead and push. I peed everywhere 🙈 my dr completely like it’s nothing, was like okay good that should help, let me go get changed a little and we can get things going. She came backed gowned up and ready. I pushed a little more, I peed more so they cathed me. Pushed a little more, I farted and pooped a little(so embarrassing 🙈) but again my dr like it’s nothing, no big deal she cleaned me up and told me to push some more. But baby was still getting stuck in the sunny side up position. In the end the dr had to go in and manually turn him while I pushed him further down the birth canal. Once he was turned and down, took 1 contraction and 3 hard pushes. My baby boy was born at 8:14pm weighing 7lbs 7oz 20in long on January 15th.

He’s my 3rd, my quickest active labor, my scariest labor, and my only not born a Thursday with his birth time ending in 7. It was absolutely terrifying when his rate kept dropping and I was in so much pain I couldn’t even comprehend what was happening. But the nurse and my cousin and my mom made it seem like nothing which helped keep me calm. You know got good support when you’re aiming for natural childbirth and your mom tells you “ah, no moaning. Breathe”😂

Here he is at 1week old ❤️