Scared of my thoughts

Breanna • Jayce's mom💙 2 Babies in Heaven 👼👼; Don't take shit from petty ass bitches 💁🏼‍♀️

Yesterday was a normal day just like any other day, I woke up and had morning sickness all day long. But this morning was different.. a depressing different. I woke up this morning with this terrible feeling and dark cloud over my head.. There was no morning sickness. No cramps, I wasn't tired.. I felt different and "normal" again. A normal i didnt want.. because i know this feeling all to well. I've had 2 miscarriages that were REALLY BADand I guess I always get this feeling right before I miscarry. A depressed lost feeling. Depressed to go to my appt because I know those three words their going to say. . "There's no heart beat". And I'm just going to sit on that bed scared, hurt, and like a failure.. Like I didn't do enough... I guess im dreading the feeling of that feeling. .

*I don't know which room to post this. Sorry if it's the wrong room