Minimal Weight Gain


I’m almost 15 weeks & I haven’t gained any weight. When I went for my first appointment at 12 weeks, my doctor said “Keep it up, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it! Too many women gain too much weight during pregnancy & it complicates labor & delivery.”

I am trying to take care of myself by eating the right foods & not overindulging. If I’m not mistaken, I think it’s recommended to only eat a maximum of 300 more calories per day.

I have a few questions:

Is it too early to see any weight gain? Will I see a lot more later in the second trimester?

Has anyone gained minimal to almost no weight during pregnancy & baby came out fine & perfectly healthy?

*I read somewhere that a baby’s weight is pretty much predetermined at conception regardless of how much weight you gain or don’t gain. (Of course this doesn’t include the use of drugs or alcohol, since that can be damaging to physical & mental development, & I don’t know for sure if that is a true fact regarding that weight is predetermined)

Any advice or experience would be appreciated, thanks!