What’s going on?


I am freaking out. We already have 3 Children boy 7, Girl 5, Boy 4. I never had any bad symptoms with there pregnancies. However I am roughly 5 weeks 3 days pregnant and I am having the worst time of it!

I did a pregnancy test 6 days before my period was due because of extreme signs that I was pregnant! It came back possative :)

I have had a early scan at around 4 weeks due to miscarrying a twin with my last pregnancy (our youngest was a twin that didn’t grow properly during the first few weeks). And they couldn’t see anything so I am defiantly not further along I have another scan booked on Monday but I am freeking out what’s going on?

Last Friday evening my HCG levels were 500 by Sunday morning they were 1100, I was roughly 4 weeks . I have morning sickness (I have never had this) extremely sore breasts (feels like It did when I was breastfeeding), very tired, cravings, food adversions, thirsty all the time! Need we wee all the time, cramping and back paid, vivid dreams, and extreme bloating ( I look around 4 months pregnant!) and hungry all the time!

This pregnancy feels so different from the others and it worrying me. It’s like ever pregnancy symptom has been magnified and started really early!