

My boyfriend is always going through my phone looking for evidence of me cheating which their never is. He woke me up this morning because he went through my phone and was upset that I confided in my friend something about us and that a good friend of mine is my ex. We dated when I was 18 for like 2 months. (3 years ago).

He told me I need to find new friends and that I’m not allowed to be friends with people I dated because he doesn’t like it.

He’s always digging trying to find things that aren’t there and it’s exhausting.

I was talking to a friend about this and mentioned that he said “If you ever cheat on me I’d beat the shit out of you and then throw you and Parker’s (my 1 year old son that’s a not his) shit outside, his playpen, everything”. And she mentioned that’s not normal and now I’m kind of scared of being in our apartment with him. I don’t think he’d ever hurt me but he’s always saying things like that about hurting me if I cheated.

He makes me feel so guilty about things that I don’t think I did wrong like the friend thing.

So now I’m scared that one day it will get to the point where I want to leave him and when I try to leave he’ll hurt me.

I can’t leave right now though, I have no car, no money, no where to go and I don’t start my new job for a little while.

I guess I’m just looking for advice or input?