Post birth visitors

This is a controversial topic, there’s is no wrong decision because everyone feels differently! As a FTM I’m not sure how I’ll be or really what I want. I just know that I want to have that initial bond made as a family (3 of us), establish feeding and get through the first 1-2 days of heavy postpartum bleeding in privacy. So I guess you’d say I’m a private person because of that.

Both of our parents are a 2-3 hr drive away, I know they’ll be visiting (I’m going to request they hold off for a few days for the above reason), but I’m worried they’ll outstay their welcome in the first few weeks. I don’t know what boundaries to put in place yet because I don’t think I’ll know until the time comes. BUT I’ve told family that we are unlikely to want them staying at the house and they will have to look into hotels, and we’d prefer to stagger visitors over a few weeks so it’s not all at once. Do you think this is fair?

I’d be interested to hear of how others are dealing with visitors that are traveling far...