25 and 3rd miscarriage

2 ectopics, 2 years to get pregnant. To the 3rd to End in a miscarriage at 10 weeks.

I'm 25 years old. Why does this keep happening to me.

I try and look at the positive that it was in the right place this time but my hearts breaking.

All my friends decided in the last year they want kids and just get pregnant and carry like that but me no. Friends who's didn't even want kids but have them. Then there's me. Really starting to feel bitter and nasty inside. I've had enough of feeling that happiness to have it ripped away from me just like that.

Still havent had my first period since the miscarriage so it's prolonging the chance to start ttc again.

I feel so crappy about myself and so down but I'm not a person to talk about it feelings and I've never liked burdening my problems on other people.

I just don't know what do to do anymore 😭