What I noticed this week! Currently 13 week 3 Days

Christina • 31 years old, I have a 10 year old son! I’m due July 30th 2019 and I’m having a girl 💖Scheduled C-Section July 23rd

One thing I noticed is when I’m sitting down or laying down and have the urge to pee it’s nothing crazy. It’s more like I can hold it for a while And don’t need to pee right that second BUT the moment I stand up, the sensation feels like I’ve been holding it for hours LOL. It’s like clockwork. It’s so intense sometimes I have to speed walk to the bathroom. It’s kind of funny, for now haha! Also, I’ve noticed that I can eat more and I have more of a desire to eat versus how I was before were I was never hungry and didn’t want to eat. Nothing to do with being sick, just no desire to eat food. I still don’t want my favorite things but that’s fine because they were chips and french fries anyways LOL. I still have my spurts of nausea that come and go at night but nothing intense or unbearable. So far the second trimester has been doing good for me LOL