IVF and family-life impact, insight needed

I have recently been told that my only chance to conceive is for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. My tubes are totally closed up so medical intervention is required even though my son was conceived naturally 4 years ago. I'm terribly overwhelmed by the process to begin egg retrieval and all I keep reading is it's terribly impactful on day to day life because of the hormonal load and the constant trips to the doctors office. We are ready to begin the process with my next period but have some concerns about how it will be with the holidays coming up. We have a few fall weddings on the horizon and family events and I'm afraid we will have to go into hiding during a time we are expected to be out and around. I have only told my closest friend and my mom about this and intend to keep it that way for my own privacy. I also worry about my sanity with my 3 year old in the house.  The whole process just seems daunting and I'd love some first hand experience as to what to expect regarding the impact of the hormone treatments. I'm really overwhelmed at the unknown lying ahead of me.