Ovarian Cyst Burst?


Can anyone who has had a diagnosed ovarian cyst burst explain the symptoms? I am wondering what was felt from the moment you suspect something was wrong and how long the systems lasted. I don’t have a regular OBGYN and my PCP told me what I felt was probably just a pulled muscle. The pain I felt was a sharp debilitating pain out of nowhere when walking to the bathroom. It was on the left side of my pelvis above my badder. The pain was sever for two days and is now going on a week with dull pain on that same left side. I have called the OBGYN but need to wait a few weeks to get in. I know this is not a urgent matter and it is quite common... but I am just wondering if this sounds like a burst cyst? My PCP was in a rush to get me out of the office since I was her last patient. I also have very minimal health insurance so it is hard to get definitive diagnosis on my first visit. Thank you all in advance for your care and taking the time to respond.