Why am I turning into a crazy person!?

Well like everything (wonderful addictive personality) I have now become absolutly obsessive about getting pregnant. This is the first month I have started tracking everything and I swear I am a huge hypochondriac! Only 8DPO, but have been testing for two days (all negative of course as it is absurdly early!) and now I am having all these symptoms! "Twinges" all week (though it is probably only every gas bubble minisculy moving in my system) , horrible heartburn last night (though my logical side reminds me I have a hx of ulcers with stress), a metalic taste in my mouth (that only came after I read that was a possible symptom) and most oddly of all "vivid dreams!" Ha ha ha. I know how insane I am acting, but just needed to put it out there so someone can verify that yes I am crazy, but that it is normal. 😆