I can’t do it anymore

I feel like a terrible person posting this but I just need to vent. I have a friend who’s suffering from depression and relies on me heavily for support, even at 3am saying they’re going to commit suicide. This even happened when I was on vacation in another country so I had to contact mutual friends for help.

They shoot down any advice I give them, they refuse to seek professional help as they claim they have before but it didn’t work (I don’t really believe it to be honest).

They have been there for me in the past when I’ve gone through some bad times, but it’s far from equal. I feel like I give so much and receive nothing back, it’s always on my mind that they may harm them self, I have enough things going on in my life to worry about.

This isn’t a recent thing, it’s been going on for over a year now, sometimes I just feel like blocking them on everything, I mean what’s the point in me giving them advice when all they do is refuse help, feel sorry for them self and just continue in the same cycle.

I just can’t do it anymore, I’m not a counsellor, I do my best but it never seems like enough. I want to cut them out of my life so much but at the same time I’d feel too guilty. I’m not a bad person, I’m just exhausted from it. I feel a bit used in all honesty, I’m too nice to people.