My shitty day😭

I’m at the lowest of lows at this point. For one thing, AF was 3 days late, and I was almost sure I was gonna get my positive this month; felt incredibly nauseous, super sore boobs, tired.. blah blah blah... then TODAY, guess who showed up?!


THEN: I decided to call it off with my bf who’s been using me and draining me of everything I’ve got. I finally called it quits. It’s a total relief, yet sad at the same time. Now he’s on Snapchat ALREADY at a party getting drunk hanging with girls. 🤦🏻‍♀️... I guess he couldn’t wait even a day.

I’m all I’ve got at this point.. well, me and my furbaby 🐶 💕


It’s been quite a day... I think I’m gonna have a glass of wine now. 🍷