Induction Story: Long but also very truthful!


My Induction Story... LONG.

I went in at 5 am the day after my due date (DD was 08-25-15) and was only dilated to 1cm. They got me set up with the IV and started the pitocyn drip at around 8:30am. I started having contractions that I could actually feel around 10:30am. The contractions got stronger and stronger and closer together but by 3:30 that afternoon no progress was being made as I was only dilated to 2 cm. Since I was only 2 cm they didn't want to break my water in fear that it would be a long and painful labor so they turned off the pitocyn drip at 4 pm to see if my body would continue the contractions without it, which it did but still did not dilate any further than 2cm even though the contractions were painful and accompanied by lower back pain and pressure, both signs of labor. Needless to say the induction did not work and I was sent home at 7:30 that night. Over 12 hours of "active" labor with no results.

I am now currently 6 days past my due date and had a doctor's appointment today and am still only dilated to 2cm. My doctor doesn't want to try anything else until I'm 42 weeks which is 09-08-15. So unless she comes on her own before then, I am scheduled to have yet another induction at 5 am on September 9th and if that doesn't work by 3 pm then he is going to perform a C-section. I will be 14 days past due.

I'm not trying to scare anyone into thinking that induction won't work but being a first time mother I too read induction stories to ease my mind into thinking "I will get to hold my baby today."

All I'm saying is don't get your hopes up, in the end everybody is right: Do not rush your baby. He/she will come when he/she is ready.