Warning to all...


Avoid spicy foods at all cost.

I usually enjoy eating spicy food.. sriracha sauce, spicy ramen, hot cheetos.. yummy. Probably all good before becoming pregnant.

Yesterday, almost all the food I consumed was spicy, as named above.. Boy, did I regret my choices when I experienced the acid reflux, causing me to throw up everything red I ate and an upset tummy with diarrhea. Each time I thought I was done, it all came pouring out. Seriously, both at the same time. Did not feel good at all. As my stomach emptied the spicy foods, I was throwing up liquids and having liquid diarrhea into this morning. Feeling so tired and exhausted.

In general, my suggestion to you all! Really avoid the spicy things.. I thought I would be ok. I also googled and saw that ppl have experienced similar.. sigh.