Should I test??


My period is super regular. Always comes on the day expected, sometimes a few days late. I’m 11 DPO and AF is due in 4 days according to Femometer. On Sunday night I started having cramps in my stomach on the left side, sometimes they would migrate lower to my cervix. I was laying on my stomach on the couch and if I arched my back they would get worse. I woke up with them again on Monday morning and they were off and on all day. I’ve been slightly nauseous but not enough to bother me or make me sick and it usually goes away pretty quick. The cramps came back Wednesday evening and have been off and on since. I’ve also been experiencing headaches, peeing a lot, and a thick, clear discharge, mood swings (last night I was upset because my boyfriend was spending quality time with my sister, and I never get like that, not the jealous type.) I talked to my friend on Monday and she told me to take a test, I took a FRER and I think I saw a vvfl.

Side note: For the past 2 weeks I have been having dreams about taking pregnancy tests and seeing that they are positive. I even had one where I actually saw our baby girl. Wednesday night I had a terrifying dream that I took a pregnancy test, and while it did say it was positive, beside the plus sign was the word “demon” in all capital red letters.

Did anyone else experience these odd dreams before finding out they were pregnant?

Another side note: I started using the Nexplanon from 14-17. Started taking the pill (Nikki) is April, and stopped taking it shortly after (can’t remember exactly what month.) Started TTC in October.