Tapering off Antidepressants


Odd title but bare (or is it bear?) with me.

I used to take 200mg of pristiq daily and,according to my new doc, that’s a stupidly high dose. I’ve been on a couple of different antidepressants for the last five years and it has fucked with my sex drive.

Desvenlafaxine is a fairly strong antidepressant known for its cornucopia of side effects and intense withdrawal. I never had a problem being on it but the tapering schedule leaves me with dizziness and odd tingly sensations. None of this is really a problem... until I broke out the vibrator.

Given that I decided to drop 100mg instead of 50mg, having a go at the rabbit probably wasn’t a great idea. But this is the first time in ages that my sex drive had made an appearance so I decided to role with it.

Needless to say, withdrawal symptoms + a fairly powerful vibe = a very interesting orgasm.

If you’re in a similar situation please take my advice. ‘Stand up slowly.’