Worried about worsening symptoms (long post)


I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2013. They also removed a large cyst and endometrial tissue through laparoscopy. I then started using the pill and would skip sugar pills to have a period only every three months as directed by my gyno. But in 2015 I lost my health insurance. I haven’t been using the pill or been treated since then. Except when I got pregnant last year. They still didn’t address the endometriosis as I had Medicaid only while pregnant. But since giving birth 10 months ago my symptoms have been horrible. The pain is so bad I’m often in tears. The bloating is so bad some days I have to go up a pant size. I actually have a set of “bloat pants”. I’ve had two “periods” this month. My husband and I have finally been able to get health Insurance for us so I can start making appointments next week but we will still have to meet our deductible. I guess I’m just looking for anyone else that’s had such worsening symptoms after having a baby. Is this normal? Could it be more cysts? I’m freaking out.