Share your funny sex stories 🤣

So here’s a funny story 😂😭

About a couple months ago my SO and I decided to be adventurous and fuck in the woods mind you it was chilly out side but our minds are just like 16 year old teens 😂😂😂 welll we walk into the entrance of the woods and go deep into them to where there’s a flat area just trees surrounding us... so he takes his blanket and we lay it on the ground and begin making out well I get on top of him and start kissing and mind you we still have on our clothes but I stop and tell him I hear something and he’s like “no it’s just the squirrels “ so I lean up and see someone walking towards us and you WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT a homeless man was watching us so we hurried and got into cross cross applesauce position facing each other and held hands I said “close your eyes and act like we’re meditating so we do that and the guy stands next to us my SO didn’t realize it cause he was humming talking about some “HMMMM” I look and “I’m like can we help you?” The homeless guy was like “are y’all hobos” 😭 I was like no and he said “oh.. well this is my home and you’re intruding” my SO was trying so hard not to laugh and said “we apologize we were just trying to meditate so we’ll leave” the homeless guy said “no no it’s fine continue “ and he walked away so I look at my SO and we was like what the f*ck 😂😂😂 I got up and looked and the guy was behind the tree watching us I’m like dude we can see you so my SO and I left the blanket on the ground and decided to leave

MORAL OF THE STORY : knock before you enter 😭😂