I want to leave him (him to leave)


I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this 🙄

I’m 10 weeks pregnant, we found out right before Christmas. My boyfriend lived out of town and visited every weekend. A week after we found out about the pregnancy he came to visit and just never left. I’ve asked him to go home just for a couple days but now he has a job here so he says he can’t go home cause of work.

There are a million things he does that annoys me, and I know hormones are a part of it but I think some of it is also just us.

1) I don’t have a china cabinet so my parents wedding dishes are in my kitchen cabinet and since I live alone I know not to use them. I’ve caught him using them a few times and have reminded him what they are and not to use them but he continues to do so. I live in a VERY small house that stupidly enough has NO closets or storage space so there’s nowhere else to put them. Can’t he just learn not to use them?

2) He always says he hates arguing, so I try not to talk about things if my thought process about the topic isn’t fully developed. But he can tell when something is wrong and continuously bugs me about it til I talk, lately the topic is “you never asked to move in” yes, we were talking about him moving in soon but I never approved of it right now. So when I finally talk to him about it he instantly gets mad even though I was trying to explain how I feel in a calm way.

3) I don’t have a car so If we’re arguing bad and I want to go to my moms or dads I’ll try to call them and he takes my phone away and won’t let me out of the house.

4) He told me he was gonna go to a party with friends tonight. I was a tad worried cause it seems like every time a boyfriend goes out they want to be out til 3 AM, and that’s not the lifestyle I want for me or my SO. I’m not telling him he CANT. I’m simply implying that if that is the lifestyle he wants and it’s not the one that I want then maybe we shouldn’t be together and definitely shouldn’t live together. We are young (21 and 22) and it’s fine if he wants to party, but I’ve NEVER been into it and want a very calm setting for my baby.

I’ve tried to talk to him about splitting up, calmly and everything but he refuses to discuss it and basically says “should have thought about that before we got pregnant” I am happy he’s not a deadbeat and wants to be here but he also can’t force himself into my house and force me to be in a relationship. I’m thinking about getting help from my parents soon and even cops if needed.