Baby dropped?

NachoMama • Married 9.1.18💍 Eleanor and Jillian's Mom 2.28.19❤ 6.4.20❤️

How can you tell when the baby dropped?

My belly is on the smaller side so I'm not sure how obvious it will look...

But I'm having a ton of pressure in my groin. Im supposed to have an appointment this week to check dilation...??

Idk. I'm just getting a gut feeling this baby's coming early. (I'm 35 weeks?)

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Posted at
My babies are always carried so low. My groin area is extremely painful and I can feel him moving around waaay down there. Everyone says that I really dropped. However, that doesn’t mean baby is going to come early.


Posted at
Baby dropping doesn’t mean labor is on its way. My first was dropped and engaged from 34 weeks and wasn’t born until two days before her due date


Posted at
Omg i saw the title and got so nervous for a second. Thought a woman seriously came on her to ask what she should do after dropping her child 😭😭


NachoMama • Jan 27, 2019
😂😂😂Oh my god I really didn't think that through, did I!?? 😲 😂