Pregnant and miscarrying


Found out last night I’m pregnant after already bleeding for 8 days (brown spotting) which has now last night turned red but still a light amount so the same night I find out it turns out I’m most likely miscarrying too. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this I’m barely over my first miscarriage😭 everyone keeps telling me to stay positive but I know my body I knew something was wrong, I’ve been through this before and know exactly what’s happening and I can’t cope I do everything right I eat right, I don’t smoke or drink, I lost weight after finding out I had PCOS, used preseed which I think helped, kept my feet warm (read on here “warm feet warm womb”) and now yet again I’m miscarrying there must be something wrong with me😩 have a scab booked for Monday but I don’t see the point. All I’m hearing is “least you know you can fall pregnant” but I don’t want to hear that I want my babies🌈