Very weird cycle


Hi ladies.

So I came off of a generic version of Seasonique last Sunday and my period was due Wednesday, Jan 23. I had one or two days of cramping, which isn’t unusual and ibuprofen took care of. My breasts were t sore and in fact my left nipple was itchy a few times. I had a little bit of acne and mood swings but no bloating or consistent back pain (which is weird).

My period (I guess you could call it that) came on time but it was extremely light dark brown-reddish. That isn’t entirely out of the norm for the first day but the kicker is it completely stopped Wednesday night. I kept a liner on just in case I had a tiny bit of red spotting on Friday. After that, I’ve had nothing. No pain, no sore breasts, no bloating and actually felt upbeat and happy the day my period was supposed to be here. I have been extremely tired as of late but I work 3rd shift and have two small boys. Some days it’s seem the exhaustion runs deeper than just being tired where I’m sleeping all day instead of just a few hours to refresh.

I took a HPT Saturday and it was negative.

Any thoughts? I’m going to test again in a few days.

Thanks :)