What do you guys think?

So we all have heard that Castor oil is both effective at inducing labor and dangerous to try because it can cause baby to pass meconium which can then be aspirated because castor oil works by stimulating the bowels and that causes contractions in the uterus as well. So here’s my thought. I know that I don’t want to try castor oil, I don’t even want to think about the potential consequences. BUT I am lactose intolerant. Quite lactose intolerant actually so I always take lactaid pills when I have dairy or else I will have diarrhea for a few hours. Do you think this could be a way for me to start labor? If I just drank a milkshake or something? 😂 My thought process is that the lactose would not cause my baby to have stimulated bowels of course like the castor oil would and it might still get my uterus contracting? I am almost 39 weeks but my doctor won’t induce until 41 🙃

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