Trouble maker


On Monday I was admitted for preterm labor which they stopped. Today is not Sunday and I swear this kid is making me feel like he's trying to kick the party off again.

I am not, I repeat, am not, not ready!

My MIL who will watch my children is out of town till Tue. My husband who works full time and goes to school full time has a crap load of school work he needs to finish today. And to top all that off he's not nearly done cooking!!!

My lower back is one big huge knot. My hips hurt and if I rub them it hurts to even touch them. My muscles between my legs are so sore. I've had a three contains in an hour so far. I was told not than four to go in for. I've got about another fifteen minutes then my hour starts back over.

I'm going to take a nap and pray that he settles his butt back down. Please child pretty pretty pretty please wait a few more days at least.