Done Breastfeeding - 5.5 months!

Sammy Jo • MN | 30 | 💍 | 💙 8/18/2018 | #TWINS 💜💜 01/20/2021

I DID IT!! I made it 5.5 months! Farther then I expected!! So last week I decided I was done breastfeeding. For a couple of reasons: 1) my one job I could schedule time to pump so easily my part time job not so much. 2) I was starting to really feel down when I wasn’t producing enough, then I became ok with it, then I was just over it. 3) I was starting to want some more of my freedom back. 4) my son starts sleeping longer through the night so it was hard to keep up my supply.

I wanted to share this because I was happy I made it as far as I did! When I first became pregnant I wasn’t even sure I wanted to breastfeed. Then I was like let’s make it the 3 months while I’m on leave. Then I took it week by week!

It was such a great experience especially for my first and now I know what to do and not do for my next kids! Thank you all for your support on this site!

To you moms still breastfeeding power to you! To you moms who are formula feeding cheers! 🍻