Chemical? False BFP?? Help!

Roseanne • Hyperemesis Gravidarum Survivor. Mommy to 3 babies in heaven and one here on earth 💖👼🏻🌸

Hi everyone,

I got two bfp’s yesterday with the same urine at 10dpo with dollar store test. After that in the evening I took more tests (frer and dollar store) and they all came back negative. FMU test today was negative as well.

I took another test this afternoon and I feel like I might see a line but I’m unsure. The dollar store I took this evening is BFN. Is this what a chemical is like? Don’t the lines have to fade away, not just be there and then disappear?? Thank you for your help!

BFP- 10 dpo smu

Frer today- 11dpo