Surely she’ll come soon! 😰

The past couple of days:

- I’ve been getting tightenings here and there.

- My vagina is very swollen and sore.

- My husband swears he can feel her head when we’re fooling about.

- I feel like I need to poop all the time.

- I’m peeing a lot more. And sometimes have to go back after thinking I’ve finished, only to get more out.

- At 35+6, she was head down and close to engagement.

- I have an increase in white mucus that makes me feel like I’m peeing myself. (Sometimes small green blobs).

- My lower back has spasms of pain quite frequently.

- The pain in my uterus is getting worse as the days roll by (nothing really seems to make them go away, but standing and sitting hurt most).

- My morning sickness has come back.

- I’m a lot more fatigued than ever before, but at the same time, really want to get everything organised.

Ugh, 36+4...and I’m so done.