Questions and the longest post ever


I am a mother to two beautiful girls ages four and two. In July 2018 we started trying for baby number three and got pregnant right away. I miscarried that pregnancy at about five and a half weeks. To say I was devastated would be an understatement. I had already envisioned my youngest as a big sister and imagining the three of them playing together. My dr said because I was so early on we could start trying again right away. So we did. And I miscarried that pregnancy too, I don’t even remember how far along I was but I do know it was the middle of September. I decided for my mental health to take a hiatus from ttc- turns out it was a great idea because for three months I actually got to think of something other than opks and two week waits. We decided to start trying again during my December cycle and we got pregnant again. I miscarried four days after my missed period. I’m really trying to remain positive.

My whole life I have wanted three kids and my heart is breaking just thinking that this might not happen.

I have a few questions for those who might have walked in my shoes. Why can I get pregnant so easily but that bean just won’t stick? I’m not up for doing much as far as infertility treatments but I’d be willing to take some easy steps to try and figure out what is happening. What are some questions I should ask my ob? What are some tests you did that gave you some answers? What were some “remedies” that helped you conceive after several early miscarriages?

In case it matters I was 29 when I had my first, 31 with my second. And I just turned 34 in December. My ob assures me I’m not too old to have another baby. Both of those pregnancies were blissfully uneventful and I carried them both to full term. I eat a clean, mostly paleo diet and workout 3-4 times a week. I feel like I’m doing it all right but still falling short.

Thanks for reading this super long post!