Guy working at VS?

Okay so I went to the mall with my best friend and we both brought our boyfriends along. Well I wanted to go in Victoria Secret cause I saw they were having a sale and my friend wanted to go to a different store. So I went in by myself (the mall was like super empty.) Because my boyfriend hates lingerie stores. So I was walking around and I went towards the bras there was a woman and a man working there. The woman and the man we're talking and she asked if I needed help and I said no. Well 3 seconds later the guy came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders and asked me if I needed help. I said no and please don't touch me. I proceed to shop and he was just a few inches behind me. When I went to check out he was there. And he asked me if I needed sized and I said no annoyed at this point. He continues to check me out and I leave. While walking out he followed me and I automatically kissed my boyfriend when I came out of the doors to which the guy turned around.

I never really thought about telling my bf but I was talking to my friend if she is bothered guys working at lingerie stores. And she said yes because they seem to attentive all the time.

Have you ever had this happen? Do you care if a guy works at vs? And should I tell my bf?

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Posted at
I don’t know why you would need to tell him. Unless you just feel like talking about it. Nothing happened...


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I’ve had many female employees act that way, they are usually trained to be over the top friendly and ask if they can help you with multiple things. I don’t personally see it as over stepping.


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I mean that’s how the women that work there seem to act. I wouldn’t have any issues with it. I mean I probably wouldn’t invite him in the changing room to see if the bra fit right like I would a female employee lol but that’s all.


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Sounds like he was just doing his job. They ask did anyone help you when you check out and they get in trouble if their name isn't said by a customer is what I've heard.


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He sounds creepy. But I’m sure there’s tons of men who can work lingerie without crossing that line. Kinda like the men at Ulta and Sephora. Don’t let one bad experience judge all men who work at VS.


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He’s a man working in a lingerie store asking you if you want to be fitted...pretty sure it’s not just a job. And it’s generally a rule that employees don’t touch their customers. I’ve never had a female employee do that at stores I’ve shopped at let alone a man. The fact it made you uncomfortable is also a sign something wasn’t right...gut feelings usually aren’t wrong.


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I’m a manager for VS and we hire everyone, regardless of gender, race, etc. I have worked in multiple stores, and we always hire at least a few men during the holidays, and believe it or not, they apply during the non-peak times of the year too. He should not have put his hands on you, but it’s not wrong for a guy to work at VS