Rant. Beware.


Once every 6 weeks I get a day to myself. I'm a RN and this happens surrounding my weekend to work. I'll get one week day before the weekend and one week day after the weekend all to myself. My 2 year old son will still go to daycare- so I don't have to be a mom, I dont have to be a nurse, I just get a quiet day to myself. The last time this was supposed to happen- my son had the flu and had to stay home from daycare. Last Thursday was my next day off- and I had the stomach flu and spent the day puking so hard my eyes are still a little bruised. Although it was a day to myself, it was not preferable.

Today. Today was going to be that wonderful quiet day. I'm not sick. My son isn't sick! DAYCARE IS CLOSED BECAUSE IT IS SNOWING! Granted all schools in the area are closed because it is going to be one of the more epic snowstorms of the year apparently. But still! This isn't fair! This hormonal, pregnant mamma was looking forward to her day off and it just isn't happening. I guess I will just have to look forward to my day in March....

End rant. (Kinda -still pouting over here)