Spiritual cold?

I think I'm experiencing a spiritual cold....my body is extremely achy, i feel like I'm burning up on the outside but so cold i can't stop shivering on the outside. I'm congested, throat hurts, and i had a killer headache In the front of my head. Oh and my whole body is sensitive, like when my boyfriend touched my arms they tingled so much (all over my body)

This is why i think it's spiritual, i have no physical ailments....my body feels soo hot but i have no fever and my boyfriend said i feel cool to the touch, yet i feel like I'm burning. I just recently was with a family member who has extremely strong spirits around him, we are native American and i truly believe healing and these abilities are in our blood. Anyway, he no doubt has spirits, i saw them with my eyes eyes. Blue orbs streaking and swirling around him and random smoke forming out of NO where floating around him. I'm an empath and i think my body's energy was affected by his strong energy. Weirdest thing is though, mentally I feel amazing. I've had a lot of things that were stressing me out and causing me to be extremely depressed ( best friend of 8 years and i split) and I was struggling with filtering the negative energy and thoughts out of my head, but after seeing my uncle, and now that I have this cold, I have no type of negativity in my mind, like I can't even make myself upset if I try. And I feel so at peace and not stressed out at all. Could my body be healing? I just feel so unusual but in a good way.... even tho I'm sick