What does he mean ?

I just started talking to this guy and he’s shown a lot of care but failed to meet for a coffee due to family stuff, and he was asking me what are we and what I want us to be and I was telling him what does he mean and all like to tell me what he thinks we are and all that and his response was we can be whatever we want and he cherishes more my opinion on that but I didn’t give him my opinion yet and then he was like I wanna be... and I asked what is the rest of the sentence and he told me to look up the song by Chris brown “I wanna be” and I feared reading it but I’m not sure what he means by that and he said I’ll know what he wants when I read the lyrics can someone help me ? Does he mean he wants to be my friend or boyfriend (relationship)

UPDATE: he was lying he told me he’s not interested in anything rn I’m like ok that was rude. I feel for the girls he tries to talk to next !