7 months...

That’s how long it took for me to officially be over it. 7 failed cycles.

Dh isn’t on board anymore anyways. But I am over tracking. I’m over logging my cm, cp, days I have sex. Taking my temp. Using opks. We have sex every day anyways... But I just wanted to finally “try” & was so excited about it.

I know others have been ttc much longer. I just can’t anymore. Keeping apps to log periods so I know about when to expect them. But I’m done.

Leaving all the faint lines groups bc I’m so tired of never even getting a vvvvfl. Only stark white test after test after test.

My fertile window is approaching & I just don’t even give a damn. Not like we would actually get pregnant anyways. Sorry I’m a Debbie downer. I just can’t..