Free range kids= no school, no medicine, no bedtime no shoes!!


Hey guys please watch this documentary on YouTube about a couple who will not give their kids any medicine, won't stop breastfeeding until the kids themselves beg them to, they dont let their babies /toddlers wear shoes when they take walks on the tar and pavement to the shops so that they build an immunity btw the parents wear shoes because they have already built up an immunity. Also they let them sleep and wake-up whenever they want and won't send them to school because and I quote "they will teach themselves to read and write when they are ready to" 😂😂😂 anyway would you try this "unique" parenting method? Why or why not ? Btw notice it has 25 000 likes and 18 000 dislikes.... I wonder how many people will vote "yes I'd try it" to this topic

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