Confused by weeks pregnant and dates


Bear with me here, this is a confusing one.

So my LMP was I THINK 11/30-12/1. Of course the month I don’t pay attention like I usually do I get pregnant and now I’m freaking out lol.

I got my first positive on FRER on 12/30 (12/27 was negative) First positive on a digital on 1/1/19.

I believe that I ovulate late. CD 16-19? Last date I logged for sex was 12/16.

According to my positive test and my GS (16mm) CRL (5.2mm) measurements on 1/24 I am about 6.3 weeks. If I count from my positive test that seems right (3.5 weeks from ultrasound + 3 weeks to get positive test).

Could that be right or am I measuring behind? Obviously I didn’t have my period on 12/13, so I am confused. Maybe my implantation was late? I know sperm could only have lasted until like 12/19 realistically.

HR seen and heard above 160 on 1/24/19.
