TTC after miscarriage. Mixed signals.


I had a chemical in December. HCG started to drop 12/19 and bled 12/21-12/25. I then started tracking BBT & OPK. I think I ovulated around 1/11 to 1/14 (different tracking methods slightly differed). Did BD daily for almost two weeks solid (ugh). Now AF is 3 days late, which I know can happen after miscarriage, but my miscarriage was right on schedule with my normal period and I ovulated at the right time afterwards so I assume AF should be coming soon. All UPTs are negative. Then my BBT spiked so Glow said I may have ovulated (I personally think it’s because I was 1-2 hours late taking it due to it being the weekend) so I said WTH and took an OPK which was the most positive it’s ever been. Then took a digital and it was negative.

Head scratch. I read OPK can mistake HCG for LH so took another UPT (now several) and still negative. I’m so confused. Should I just quit until AF eventually returns? Has this happened to anyone? Advice. Encouragement. Thanks y’all.