36 week ultrasound was upsetting


So today I went in for my 36 week ultrasound expecting to see my beautiful babygirl and the technician tells me that I’m breech being a FTM I really wanted a natural delivery and after being super nauseas til about 22 weeks and then having gallstones found around 33 weeks I’m just feeling like everything’s falling apart. I know it sounds over dramatic but a c section was not something I wanted. I wanted to push my daughter out naturally without pain killers. On top of her being breech her amniotic fluid is low, too low for the doctors to try and safety flip her, so if she doesn’t turn on her own a c section is my only option.

Has anyone had this happen? Does anyone have tips about trying to flip them yourself at home with different positions?

Obviously I understand a healthy baby is what I want no matter how she comes into this world I just would really like to feel childbirth and not have to go through the c section recovery.