My Natural child birth ❤️ MUST READ!!

Alexis • BWH 💙👶🏻 22JAN19

^^^^^^^Taken hours before labor^^^^^^

This was the day... I was feeling full energy and wanting to create something. And we went walking around all over town... for the past 3 days I kept getting waves of contractions but right when I thought it was time... they’d go away. Who knew that the day that this picture was taken would be the day we’d begin the journey of bringing the most remarkable blessing into this world.

We got back home around 4pm and I started to have mild contractions. I thought to myself, “These are just practice contractions. He’s not coming.” And sure enough at 10pm they stopped.

I was tired and we had walked all day so I thought I was time for us to lay down and get some sleep.

Well here comes midnight and an intense contraction hit me like a ton of bricks... laying in bed, I held onto my husband as it passed. This feeling was definitely more intense than any of the other contractions I had before. So after about 45 minutes of contractions like that and at less than 2 minutes apart I tell my hubby it’s time to go in.

We get to the car, and all the way to the hospital which is a 40 minute drive, the contractions stayed at a minute apart.

Once we get there and they check me I am only 3cm and 70% effaced... and as they hook me up to the monitor. The contractions stop 🛑 completely 😩. So they said they would monitor me for the next three hours and if there is no progression... we could either induce with pitocin 🙅🏽‍♀️ or go home until we start getting some more consistency in contractions- this was VERY discouraging. I had been so passionate about a natural birth. At this rate I thought, “Maybe I won’t be able to deliver on my own.” 😔 So the nurse said she’ll be in after 0530 to check in if there is any progression and we will go from there. Once she left my husband and I discussed Pitocin. He reminded me that, even though, the lack of progression, if I got induced, after the fact I would be so disappointed. And I we have to come back, we will come back. “You’re body is obviously making its own progression. Maybe not as fast as you want it to right now. But you know you want to have him all on your own, baby. You got this.” (Thank you, my sweet husband... I love you.) Well right after this conversation at around 0445, the contractions start AGAIN. Same as before... these contractions made me sad. Honestly I just thought it was my body playing tricks on me, I was completely discouraged. But there was the love of my life rubbing my lower back and cheering me on.

One hour later...

It was time to get checked again. And although I was contracting I wasn’t confident that there was any change. So the Dr. checked and said, “6.”

6cm. In active labor.

“You’re having your baby today.”

And my husband and I both look at each other and have tears in our eyes. We are officially meeting our son today.


So they consulted me about my birth plan and made aware that I wanted to do this naturally and wanted to utilize the laboring tub. And I was SO READY to get into the warm water so they ran my bath.

With bubbles, dim lighting and a jacuzzi styled tub I knew that I was going to be able to have my dream delivery and although I couldn’t deliver in the tub I was so excited. I got in shortly after 0630.

With my husband at my side, rubbing my lower back... the contractions started to get really intense. Finally they became unbearable. At that moment, for the first time, I was considering an iv of pain relief because I told my hubby, “Baby I need a break.”

Well break I did not get. The nurse came in and the contractions were like 30 seconds apart and I’m trembling. A flood of questions came from this woman and I had no answers, only pain, then 2 more women came running into this tiny room, with a poll of their own questions that sent me into an anxiety attack.

“I am going to be sick.” They couldn’t hear me over their questions.

“I am going to be sick.” Still nothing. My husband was the only one that realized I was about to throw up and gets me a trash can, puts it in the tub with me and I reintroduced my Big Mac and large fries right then.

My anxiety attack had my body and face feel like it was vibrating and all I remember getting out of the bath, lights on, in The worst pain.

They wheel me into the labor room and there were a lot of nurses in there. I can’t tell you how many but it felt like a small audience. They got me on the bed and checked me... with only being in active labor for 2 hours I was 9 1/2CM almost ready to push. No pain relief. All natural- I was doing it and it hurt like hell! Because of all the people and the overwhelming pain I can really recall all the happenings that led up to his birth. But I do remember hearing my husband telling me, “Good job baby. You’re almost there. He’s almost here. Keep pushing.” Never in my life have I felt that strong of an urge. When it was time to push I fricking pushed.

At 0818... our son was there on my chest. I did it!! I look down and say, “OH SHIT!” He was so big!! No way did that baby come out of me!!! I have never felt more powerful in my entire life. Once they took him to get cleaned.. I told my love, “Go ahead daddy. Go see him.”

And he said, “I am not leaving your side, we will meet our son together.”

7lbs 15 oz. 21”. 22JAN19....

A lot of people say their labor and birth wasn’t anything as they had planned but ours was. With our son having a perfect assessment I throw my hand in the air and say, “I DID IT!”

I wouldn’t have been able to have all that strength if it weren’t for the power, support, and confidence of my husband. And now he’s here and I am complete ❤️