15 things infertile couples DONT want to hear

Amanda • Proud Mother and Wife to my little family
You see all these articles of "20 things people who love cats think" or "15 traits of a shopaholic" ... Well here's one for us ladies! 
15 things no one struggling with infertility wants to hear:
1) "You're still not pregnant?" - obviously not. Thanks for the painful reminder. 
2) "You just need to have more sex." - you need to stay out of my bedroom. We have plenty of sex thank you, some things can't be fixed with more sex. 
3) "that's so weird, we got pregnant on the first try!" - which is a blessing! I'm extremely thrilled for you...but I also kinda hate your guts.
4) "have you thought about adoption?" - yes, we have. But selfishly, I still want to be able to do the most basic biological thing a woman should be able to do. 
5) "you're better off without kids, trust me. If I could go back to before they were born..." - Liar! You're telling me you regret your babies? LIAR!
6) "you're so lucky to not have kids and can have all that extra money to spend on yourself!" - yes...I do...on my fertility treatments that cost an arm, leg, two ears, half a butt cheek...
7) "how long are you going to try for?" - til I have a baby you idiot.
8) "my friends also had difficulty..." - oh? Unless they had the same issues as me and have some tips I don't particularly want to hear more depressing stories.
9) "your problem is you're not drinking green tea and snorting crushed lavender..." - ok VooDoo Doctor Jones... Trust me. If there's a tested theory, I've tried it. Pineapple core anyone? 
10) (for those with children already) "you should be happy with the ones you have" - you should be happy with my fist in your face. I am happy. Just because I want to expand m family doesn't mean the ones I currently have don't suffice.
11) "you're not getting any younger you know" - really? REALLY? 
12) "well, there's always next month!" - yes, but when you've been telling yourself that for over a year... It's not as uplifting as you think.
13) "ugh, I *think* the word baby and I'm pregnant." - yeah well...I hate you.
14) "what's so tricky about it? Have sex - get baby." Do you realize the timing involved?! Between checking for ovulation, CM, body temperature... Your window is impossibly small!!! It's tricky. You're lucky. Next please.
15) "if it's meant to be, God will make it happen."  - sure, but maybe God sending me a doctor to help with all this is him making it happen. 
Things TO say to infertile couples
1) I've got my fingers crossed for you
2) best of luck!
Lol sorry - I'm a little annoyed as you can tell haha who has more to add to the list! What are some annoying things you've been told!!